Grand Rapids.......Outta there!!!!!!!!
A body can only take so much cold......well, that's my take on it and probably there's a million MichiGANDERS who might take issue with me on that but I for one, can't see why someone in their right mind would live in a place where snow is on the ground for 5 months of the year ....on purpose.
Anyway, I busted out of there this past Friday morning and flew to O'Hare in Chicago where we let American Airlines delay us for an hour for our flight to Baton Rouge.
As I was leaving, the home office called and scheduled me for a few days in Abbeville, LA. Monday morning found me on I-10 headed west to Abbeville in a rented Impala to where I had not visited in 10 years, way back in my optical sales life. Not much had changed.
After settling into my hotel in Lafayette, I met up with Toni, the rep I'm working with temporarily, and had dinner at Mulate's in Breaux Bridge. Great food and tons of atmosphere. 
Too bad we were both ready to leave just as the band was pulling out the fiddle and the accordion.
Too bad we were both ready to leave just as the band was pulling out the fiddle and the accordion.
Tuesday afternoon, I headed back home again, admiring the Atchafalaya swamp on I-10.
Darlene had forgotten that Rebecca and Jacqueline was to be in a Gonzales community play
(That's Rebecca in the blue)
so we changed clothes and made our way into town.
(That's Rebecca in the blue)
so we changed clothes and made our way into town.
Probably wasn't an Academy Award production but it's family. That's what it's all about, isn't it?