
Jesus Switch

The air conditioner in my room at the Hampton Inn plays a little game with me. I can set it to 60, 70 or 75...it simply doesn't matter. When I left it this morning, the thermostat was set at 70° but when I arrived from work this afternoon, it was clearly in the mid 70s. As I walked through the door, it immediately perked up and began to hum. Brrrrrrrrmmmmmm.... The same thing happens at night. That thing will freeze me out when I go to bed and the down comforter that's on the bed is really great. Somewhere in the night, when there's no movement in the room it gets warm and I begin kicking off covers. If I have to get up to go (what do I mean, "if"?) to the bathroom, the motion in the room kicks it back on again and the temperature drops again. It reminds me of the T-Shirts and bumper stickers I see, "Jesus Is Coming......Look Busy!"