
English as an Inconvenient Second Language

Last week, my son dropped by a Baton Rouge Po-boy establishment to grab a couple of sandwiches. As he entered the shop, he noticed the sign on the glass. "Attention!!! All extra salad dressing and sauces (and gravy) will cost an additional 30 cents - Sorry for the Incontinence - Management".

Thinking it was some kind of offbeat humor, he beckoned a plain vanilla south Louisiana redneck employee and asks, "Are you serious??"

"Absolutely," the sandwich artist responded, "we charge for all extras, sauces, dressings and extra gravy."

My son now realizes all this has gone over the guy's head. "Let me show you something," leading the man to the sign in the window and pointing to the words on the poster, "Incontinence means............well.....(whispering)...you can't hold your pee-pee."

The guy blinks, stares at it a moment then calls a middle eastern lady (management) over to the sign and relates the issue fully to her. Whether in embarrassment or chagrin, she rips the sign down and disappears to the back of the sandwich shop.

While being from another country and trying to hack it out in America brings its challenges with a second language, half the humor is lost in the fact that she had locals working for her and hundreds of Louisiana public educated customers probably passed by that sign and never once caught it either.

So, the joke is really on us all.