

For whatever reasons, good, bad or just for the desire to change neighborhood, we are on the move again.

It's pretty much a lateral move, being in the same area of Ascension Parish.  Even though it's probably a higher quality home and just a few square feet larger, I still consider it a lateral move.

We put a lot of work in the one we're moving from and it may be a while before the new digs measure up in appearance to the old one.

Nevertheless, I can't help but have the feeling of being detached.  We have not completely closed on the home we are selling and do not have an exact date for the closing for the new one.  The person who we plan on buying from (as soon as we can close on the deal) has generously offered to let us store our belongings in the carport of the new home, so we have mountains of boxes stacked on furniture at the new address waiting on the call from the title company to tell us when we can close.  Since I am working away all the time, the burden of packing up has been on the shoulders of my wife.

So, with a slight feeling of detachment, we are temporarily housed at our daughter and son-in-law in Baton Rouge and hope we can get everything settled very soon.