A great day to spend doing absolutely nothing!
A great day to spend doing absolutely nothing!
Leaving Darlene in dreamland with the coffee pot on auto pilot, I fired Boudreau up relatively early at the crack of dawn to go to a men's bible study at Frank's this morning. Aside from that, everything else was pretty much a worthless day
except for a few miles and a tank of gas. This is one of my first 'official' vacation days I've taken this year so I took off with my trusty camera just to take pictures and ride my bike.
Going down River Road, I stopped off at a local tourist trap near Sorrento where there's a fenced off area behind old houses that make up the village. Behind a 6 foot heavy duty chain link fence, there's an alligator or two that hang out waiting on a daily ration of a whole chicken. There's not much motivation for them to wander off because the eating is good and I suppose the nuisance level is pretty low too. He must have been around 10 feet long. Just take my word for it because I wasn't about to stroll out there with a yardstick to see how long his tail was. They may not have fed it the chicken for the day.
The fall flowers were out and so were the bees, hornets and mosquitoes. On this photo of the berry, you can make out my image reflecting on the skin of the berry.
A ride down old Airline Highway toward Gramercy had me getting off the bike to see what I could see in the water. I noticed a crab swimming at the top and occasionally flicking water with it's claw.
Looking at a cabin across the barr pit, I remember years ago traveling along Highway 61 and seeing small houseboats lining the banks for miles. Here's one of the last hold outs for cabins.
As I was taking the picture of the crab, a young woman came across on her small personal ferry and crawled into a Bayou Beater (maybe a 15 year old Nissan) apparently headed to work. I would have figured it occupied by some old crusty fellow like myself. Notice the satellite receiver to the left of the to the building. Sounds kind of romantic in a way but a 'Tammy', she wasn't. Bless her heart, she was probably scrounging for every dime just to make a living but at least she is working.....she's a real kind of girl.
Still a nice day to be in Louisiana.