President's Day Weekend (or "Doing the City")
Instead of flying home for a quick turnaround, Darlene came to see me, arriving Wednesday night. Years since she had once lived on Travis Airforce Base, she wanted to see how it had changed in 43 few years ago.
Darlene doesn't travel well so it takes a day or so for her to catch up after flying. With that, she pretty much laid up in the bed Thursday while I worked. Friday turned out to be a wet and drizzling day so we pretty much went shopping, did a winery/olive tour and changed hotels. Stopping off at the Jacuzzi Winery and Olive farms, we had fun tasting dipping oils and a moderate amount of wine tasting.
Saturday proved to not much better weather wise and eventually wound up in Old Sacramento for a nice dinner after the kind folks at Travis AFB deemed Darlene a threat to national security and wouldn't let us on the base. Actually security, as you might imagine, is pretty strict these
days and since we had no sponsor to vouch for us they told us to hit the road.
Sunday, we could see Mt Diablo from our hotel room in Suisun City so we did the city, the whole ball of wax....bridge, downtown, trolley cars, cheap camera shops, Ghiradelli, Fisherman's Wharf, Lomard and pretty much the whole nine yards.

It was Chinese New Year so we thought we'd see what that was all about. Driving up Pacific, we see this guy in the middle of the street pointing at us and yelling something. As we got a little closer, I rolled the window down, I found out he was a street person engaged in free enterprise. "Mike", it seems, found street parking signs for people, held back cars while they parked and insinuated he would watch over the cars while
we did China Town. Unspoken, it was a GREAT idea to tip Mike so that the car would not be broken in to while we were out. It was worth the five bucks.
Monday, Darlene and I had a great time traveling over to South Lake Tahoe. The place recently had a huge snow and snow machines had left banks of the white stuff so deep we couldn't really get out and take pictures along the way. However, we did get out near the lake and play around.

Putting her back on the plane Tuesday morning, I hated to see her go because we had such a great holiday weekend.

Saturday proved to not much better weather wise and eventually wound up in Old Sacramento for a nice dinner after the kind folks at Travis AFB deemed Darlene a threat to national security and wouldn't let us on the base. Actually security, as you might imagine, is pretty strict these

Sunday, we could see Mt Diablo from our hotel room in Suisun City so we did the city, the whole ball of wax....bridge, downtown, trolley cars, cheap camera shops, Ghiradelli, Fisherman's Wharf, Lomard and pretty much the whole nine yards.

Monday, Darlene and I had a great time traveling over to South Lake Tahoe. The place recently had a huge snow and snow machines had left banks of the white stuff so deep we couldn't really get out and take pictures along the way. However, we did get out near the lake and play around.

Putting her back on the plane Tuesday morning, I hated to see her go because we had such a great holiday weekend.