YeeHawww!! Branson!
I had a good week and a couple of days working in Baton Rouge and before I knew it, I was driving up to Shreveport for another week. The upside was.....well, being at home every day for a week and a half then being close enough in Shreveport to drive home for the weekend and also to spend a night with my Mama.
Sheveport was barely an image in my rear view mirror when I got the call to go to Branson, Missouri. Hearing the circumstances, I began to figure I'd be hanging out here for maybe a couple of months in the mountain air (people in the western states will scoff at that) free from the stress that had been haunting me in a couple of the last assignments.
It has been probably 20 years since we've been here in what has described as a cross between Mayberry and Las Vegas. Staying on the western end of the strip, traffic is still nuts as you attempt to cruise from one end to the other. Now there are a couple of bypasses that you can take if you truly need to get around.
Branson's oldest attractions have been the outdoor drama, Shepherd of the Hills, the theme park Silver Dollar City and some old time musical and comedy acts like The Presleys and The Baldknobbers. Over the years "name" people like Mel Tillis, Micky Gilly and other country entertainers have turned the place into quite attraction. It seems now that if an artist ever had a following in the entertainment business, Branson is the next stop before completely giving it up. Others like Shoji Tabuchi have created their own following after a leg up from Roy Acuff who had met him in Japan. Acuff told Shoji
that if he was ever in the US, to look him up. Eventually, Shoji showed up and Acuff accepted him and put him on the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville a few times. Tabuchi gambled on Branson and opened a theater and became a local hit.
The place is largely patronized by retirees or at least those over fifty. Bikers traveling through on 3 wheeled Honda trikes remind you of the Dead End Gang. Nothing emphasizes it more than the Hampton Inn's breakfast bar featuring a large container of Activia Yogurt. Activia has a stronger reputation than prunes. Don't ask me how I know this.
Unfortunately, I had only been here a day before finding out the situation was in the process of resolving itself and now find myself looking for a plane ride out of here. I won't be eating the Activia before I fly. On the fortunate side, I was able to break bread and spend a little time with an old friend and his lovely wife over in Shell Knobb. It's all good.
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