Au revoir, Isaac

Hurricane Isaac finally came and went and is busy providing to drought stricken Arkansas and southern Missouri. Speculation was that it could come on land, slow down and dump massive amounts of water on us for a 2 or 3 day period. For some, that was the case but for me personally, it was relatively mild. For some, things did not work out so well.
Wind damage for our area was limited, although my son lost a tree in his front yard and there were a few fences and roof shingles blown around. The worst part around us was the rising water, particularly in historic flooding places. Now that it's gone, there are areas that will have to contend with rising waters from the run-off that will fill the bayous and rivers flowing into the diversion canals of Lake Ponchatrain.
Electrical service for many of us went out Wednesday morning and some as late as early evening. Those of us who have generators quickly absorbed friends and families that did not have them. Our power was restored 24 hours later but as of this writing, Friday morning, there some who are still in the dark.
Prior to Isaac coming ashore, most families went into to hurricane mode by stocking up on food, batteries, water and essentials. As early as Monday afternoon, any kind of bread except Sunbeam white bread had been cleared from many grocery shelves as well as certain brands of milk. Many canned goods that required no preparation other than opening the can disappeared. The same was for beer.
Rising water was not a primary fear for us personally but concerns about blowing rain at our front door caused us to seek out sand bags. The parish government set up sandbagging points around the area so Darlene and I found ourselves at the Dutchtown Fire Department filling a few bags for our own purposes. Feeling like there was little more we could or should do to prepare for the storm, we

Realizing this might be a good way to teach our nieces/god-daughters the value of community service and love for others, Darlene called them and told them "Pop" would be at their house in 10 minutes. Figuring I would not be well received when I picked them up, I was pleasantly surprised when they arrived at the bagging point and went right to work without so much as a groan. Darlene and I, as well as the community were very proud of them for doing their part.
When Isaac finally arrived, we were fortunate enough not to be close to waters that would rise and the force of the rains and winds hit primarily on one side of the house and the front which allowed us to sit on the screened back porch and pass the time watching the rain and discuss a broad range of

This being Friday, everyone but me is back to work while I watch over 3 girls who still are sleeping late.
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