I'm in Vidalia (Natchez)
Fat Mamas,
photography photo,

As for food, it's a gosh awful mix of overly fried foods, poor presentation and so-so country style cooking. One exception I enjoy is Fat Mama's Tamales. I don't know why, I just do. I've been going there since it was in the old log house on Canal Street they moved from a couple of years ago. Fat Mama's is the kind of joint that's not what I would consider a traditional Mexican or even a TexMex place. Maybe it's MissTex or MissLaTex. Whatever it is, you'll find the signature dish is tamales, served up in styrofoam plates and eaten on plastic tablecloths. Everything centers around the tamale whether it's a taco salad, gringo pie or chili, it's all the same meat. The only thing else on the menu that isn't linked to the tamale meat is the poboys and boudin but since I've never tried those entrees, they very well could be made from the same stuff. Any way you look at it, it's popular with locals and travelers alike
The architecture is well preserved which makes this city just gush with quaintness. Each year there are a couple of pilgrimages that bring people in from all parts of the country where they pay to tour the old historic homes and ride through the streets in horse drawn carriages.
It is a mix of old, new and whimsical, often bordering on political incorrectness for which I definitely approve.
Over the years, I've been through here several times but rarely had the time to just drive around and soak it all in. Aside from the horrid food fare, it really is a special place reeking of history.
Just a couple hours north of Baton Rouge, it's a great drive up a 4 lane highway. Years ago, before the widening and 4 lanes, it was a treacherous trip that we all dreaded but when we saw Mammy's Cupboard, we knew most of the ordeal was over. That's one part of the "good old days" I'm glad is over.
A push barge travels upstream under the bridge
Night shot of the bridge from the Vidalia side
An odd display at the end of Canal Street, Natchez
The Petrie House
Abandoned Natchez Shotgun Rowhouses
Inside Fat Mama's Tamales