Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts


Tea Cakes

As of the past couple of years, my brother Rick and I have grown to watch after our centenarian + mother very closely.  So I come up to check on her every couple of weeks, do a few light chores, and pretty much just keep her company enough that I don't over-stay my welcome.

Rick and my sister-in-law, Debbie took a company trip to Greece, Egypt, and Italy for 3 weeks, so that was the perfect opportunity to bring her back to south Louisiana for a few days.   My wife, Darlene and I figured she'd get pretty bored rapidly so, we were always thinking of something to keep her occupied.  You can only enjoy so many episodes of The Andy Griffith Show and Gunsmoke...just sayin'.

After trying to put a couple of puzzles together, we abandoned them for some trips to visit grandkids and see one of them perform at a local hamburger joint.

After counting her meds, she realized that she was running low, so after 9 days, we made the decision to head back to her home, pick up some meds and check on the condition of her place.  As it was, we left just in time to avoid Hurricane Francine.  I had not checked the weather and had no idea it was imminent, so it was a good thing we left when we did.   

Settling back into life in the piney woods, it was good to see a few deer in the back yard, put up a new hummingbird feeder and re-pot some amaryllis bulbs I brought up from our place.

Somewhere along, we thought about tea cakes and began to look into recipes.  We found one that looked promising so I took it upon myself to whip up a batch.  My grandmother, Lizzie Reppond Pilgreen used to sometimes have some stashed away in her "safe", a screened cupboard in the dining room.

Anyway, I think they turned out pretty well.  Although the recipe said to cook them for 8 minutes at 350°. it took more like 15 to get them done.  

You have to be careful not to cook them too long because they're much better if they're not hard or crunchy. 

Mama wrote down the recipe for me, but I get in her way in her kitchen, so if I make them again, it likely will be at my place.