The Lesson of the Moon Pie
A couple of weeks ago, I rode into town seeing gas in the $3.49 range and within a week, I was seeing $3.63-3.66 all around me. That was a wake up call to the fact that we are INDEED being hit with inflation.
When Gas prices go up, we can expect it to effect everything else from the shoes on our feet to the food at the store because it's all delivered to the final destination by a truck and that truck uses gas.
Here's another way I've seen it sneak up on me. After having a decent meal in a little mom and pop restaurant in Decherd, Tennessee today, I was riding back to the office when the urge for something sweet hit
me so I popped into a little convenience store, looked around for something to satisfy the sweet tooth and grabbed an old standby favorite, a Moon Pie. I've been eating those things all my life but it's been a while since I have gotten one. Walking up to the counter, I'm thinking this thing could hit me for anywhere between 59 and 79¢. The guy at the counter didn't even blink when he said, "Uh dollah an' seb'm cents, please." Wow, my 59¢ good ole Moon Pie, with tax, is now $1.07?
The government has been denying that there is significant inflation by choosing different reporting and calculating criteria. But when my Moon Pie takes a 50% jump in price, now that's inflation.
I'm wondering how long a short term certificate of deposit at the bank can last below 1% now with the government (digitally) printing money at a record clip? Hang on to your hats folks, this thing could get nasty.
When Gas prices go up, we can expect it to effect everything else from the shoes on our feet to the food at the store because it's all delivered to the final destination by a truck and that truck uses gas.
Here's another way I've seen it sneak up on me. After having a decent meal in a little mom and pop restaurant in Decherd, Tennessee today, I was riding back to the office when the urge for something sweet hit

The government has been denying that there is significant inflation by choosing different reporting and calculating criteria. But when my Moon Pie takes a 50% jump in price, now that's inflation.
I'm wondering how long a short term certificate of deposit at the bank can last below 1% now with the government (digitally) printing money at a record clip? Hang on to your hats folks, this thing could get nasty.