
The Golden Compass and the anti-religionists

A friend sent me one these fwd: fwd: fwd emails that I almost dismissed but I opened it, read it and eventually checked out the Snopes link about it. Apparently, there's a soon to be released new children's movie coming out based on The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials), a trilogy by Phillip Pullman. Basically, it's an anti-Narnia book of sorts. If you're familiar with C. S. Lewis' Chronicals of Narnia and the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, The Golden Compass is an atheist's answer to it.

The sad thing is, Nicole Kidman is one of the stars of this movie and some hope the movie will drive a demand for the anti-religion children's book just in time for Christmas. You can verify all this at the urban legend dispelling site, Snopes.com.

When will all this stop? Probably not while we're still on this earth. While my first reaction was to be offended, I stopped and thought, God's bigger than all this and He will get the last shot on it, all in His own timing. Pray for Mr. Pullman and Ms Kidman, they will need it.