
Frosty Morning In Dutchtown

It was 27°F and freezing here in south Louisiana this morning and thought I'd ride just for the heck of it. I'm on vacation this week and have few plans so I left Darlene and Devin (grandson) all huddled up under their covers. 27°F on a Harley with 50 mph winds makes the chill factor rather formidable.

Partially as a personal statement to the neighborhood, partially to the guy with the garage queen Harley a few doors down but mostly to give the 12 year old grandson some stories to tell his kids about me when I'm dead and gone, I fired Boudreaux up this morning for a run into town to the do-nut shop and just a few sights along one of the bayous.

I have to admit it was brisk for people like us who do not see a lot of cold weather but it was not overwhelming. It took a while before the tires stopped accentuating every crack in the road and the engine warmed enough that the choke wasn't necessary.

It really was pretty seeing the glistening grass and trees trying to shake off the very heavy frost while the crisp air made the heavy humid sky look like smoke. Egrets along the way were not quick to take flight as I and a few commuters passed and it seemed as if the world was at peace.

It was a nice ride but the family at home was expecting the cinnamon rolls and the folks along the bayous had been sufficiently disturbed.