
Show me the Golden Arches...

...and be quick about it!

Arriving in the Boulder, Colorado area, I am in wonder and amazement about how well hidden things are. Had it not been for my handy GPS, I may not have been able to find the Hampton Inn when I arrived late on August 30.

I'm staying 5 miles south of Boulder in Louisville and it seems like the whole area is ashamed of commercialism. I'm telling you that you have to be honestly looking for something to find it.

Each morning, I pull out of the hotel side street, hit Dillon Drive and make my way to the Boulder Turnpike. All I can see is neutral toned buildings with short trees and lots of cars zipping around like fighter jets.

Just tonight, I found a great little Mexican restaurant with the aid of the GPS but wanted something sweet to follow. Determined to find a McDonalds without the aid of electronics, I searched and searched for the Golden Arches and finally gave up and punched the food app on my Android. As it turned out, I was across the street from Micky Dee's and didn't realize I was at the same intersection I turn into each morning and never saw it. The same thing happened yesterday while trying to find a Chase Bank ATM but eventually gave up. I will have to be more proactive and find the gas stations before my car gets to empty.

I have to say, Colorado does wonders in camouflaging things. I can see limiting signs to a reasonable height but I think they've over done it. There is something beautiful about neon signs, logos and landmarks in a city.

Yeah, that's right. Show me the golden arches!