There's something about Newsbusters that just cracks me up! Try this for a "different" angle.
A Journal of my travel in the USA with photos of places visited.
There's something about Newsbusters that just cracks me up! Try this for a "different" angle.
Posted by C. R. at Thursday, November 15, 2007
A friend sent me one these fwd: fwd: fwd emails that I almost dismissed but I opened it, read it and eventually checked out the Snopes link about it. Apparently, there's a soon to be released new children's movie coming out based on The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials), a trilogy by Phillip Pullman. Basically, it's an anti-Narnia book of sorts. If you're familiar with C. S. Lewis' Chronicals of Narnia and the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, The Golden Compass is an atheist's answer to it.
The sad thing is, Nicole Kidman is one of the stars of this movie and some hope the movie will drive a demand for the anti-religion children's book just in time for Christmas. You can verify all this at the urban legend dispelling site,
When will all this stop? Probably not while we're still on this earth. While my first reaction was to be offended, I stopped and thought, God's bigger than all this and He will get the last shot on it, all in His own timing. Pray for Mr. Pullman and Ms Kidman, they will need it.
Posted by C. R. at Monday, November 12, 2007
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Since I was a kid, I've always seen names like Battle Creek, Michigan on cereal boxes and so the image of Michigan being the corflake kingdom of the world was pretty much set in my mind, just like Detroit makes you think of the auto industry.
Since leaving Ada, Michigan back in February, I had not given much thought about ever coming back up here. Fortunately, this time, I arrived in the fall instead of mid-blizzard like the last time.
Posted by C. R. at Wednesday, November 07, 2007
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<------Louis & Jan
Having finished up a pretty intense week in Arlington, TX, the kind folks at American Airlines capped it off Friday with baggage mishandling and a couple of hours delay for my arrival home. Already dealing with some kind of stomach bug, it all made for a particularly long day.
After spending a little time, we checked out some kind of "festival" of sorts, looked a few restored cars and enjoyed a retro band playing their interpretation of Pure Prairie League, Van Morrison and a few others. After driving up to Louis & Jan's place, we let our hearts and minds wander by looking at a few lakeside homes for sale before turning south back to Baton Rouge.
Oh, by the way, the critics hated it but the movie, Wild Hogs was a hoot. I loved it and recommend it for a rental.
Posted by C. R. at Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Friday, October 19, I thought I had a long weekend off but that fantasy came to a screeching halt when the powers that be called around 2 PM with news from Arlington, TX. At first my plans were to be there for Monday morning but the second call from the mother ship had me driving 250 miles back home to re-pack for Texas. Still miffed that I had missed my grandson's birthday party and would be missing my son-in-law's birthday get together Sunday, I went early to vote Saturday and boarded the plane for DFW.
Reluctantly, I worked Saturday but got in touch with my cousins and aunt up in Denton and arranged a meeting at the Texas State Fair in Dallas. "Meet us under Big Tex", cousin Ken said. "Bringing Aunt Leror"? I asked. "Yep, she'll be with us", he replied.
It was just nice connecting with family that I had not had a chance seeing for a couple of years. We all cruised the butterfly gardens, home exhibits, car shows and of course the food court before we split up. Giving Ken, Nancy and Aunt Leror all a big hug we parted ways and I made my way back to the hotel.
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Posted by C. R. at Wednesday, November 07, 2007
September 14: With less than 24 hours since arriving in Baton Rouge from Virginia, I was already booking a flight to Burlington, Iowa. Thinking it impossible to be more remote than that, within 3 hours, the phone rang and my trip to Burlington was canceled and I on the cell phone in traffic booking a trip to Blairsville, GA. Not knowing for sure where that place was, I relied on the travel agent to choose the best airport. She tells me, "Knoxville". "Tennessee?", I asked. "Yep, your other choices are Asheville, Chattanooga or Atlanta". "Well", says I, "that's three states and a lot of space between those towns, are you sure?". Long story short, I'm on a flight early Thursday morning, flying over the tropical storm that had just passed through Louisiana and landing right back in the middle of it. Relying on my trusty (?) Garmin GPS, I took it's advice and went blazing down the road and within 30 minutes I'm on some little road in a drizzling rain questioning the wisdom of Mr. Garmin's invention. When I tell you that road was crooked, that is an understatement. At one point, I kid you not, I looked through the trees to my right and saw a car put on it's brake lights and 15 seconds later, I met that same car in the next curve. My trip to Blairsville lasted three hours through these curves and rain and had me muttering near profanities at the thought of my travel agent and the folks at Garmin Industries.
Blairsville is a Mayberyesque town of around 700 full time citizens with an old courthouse occupying the pivot point of a roundabout. The office where I met up with Wally, the other rep, sits on the north side of it. Unfortunately, it was nearly closing time by the time I arrived so Wally and I went out scouting for a place to stay. We chose Holiday Inn Express after a quick look at couple of other motels, thinking it was the safest bet, not knowing anything about the place.
September 26: After spending the past two days in St Louis, I flew back to Georgia. Thinking it might be best to fly into Atlanta, I flew in on American this time, giving my usual rant about Delta a rest. Feeling fortunate that we arrived on time, I retrieved my bags and tried to find the rental car shuttle bus. Atlanta's signage is less than wonderful so I found myself pulling two large bags to and fro outside the terminal building. After asking and receiving bad advice from two sources, I eventually was aboard the shuttle.
Instead of driving the fastest way, Saturday morning I checked out of my Patel and took Hwy 19 north. It soon became much more scenic than Hotlanta when I began to get into the north Georgia mountains. Arriving in Dahlonegah, I checked out a couple of motels and eventually unloaded at the Super 8. Believe it or not, it had more going on for it than the Holiday Inn Express and a lot cheaper to boot.
Dahlonegah, was hosting a couple of bike rides, one 50 mile ride and a hundred miler. There was more spandex covered butts there than at the flea market in Gonzales, LA. This small college town has a pretty neat historic downtown with satellites of shops and cafes all around the old courthouse. While the main attraction was supposed to be bicycles, the tight turned roads were constantly yielding to various arays of Porches, Beemers, vintage roadsters and everything imaginable in motorcycles.
October 6 and 7: Wow! Were the natives excited about the Sorghum Festival! Complete with a canon shot to start the parade Saturday morning, Blairsville denizens turned out on the courthouse square to take in the sights of all 5 fire trucks, Boy Scouts, people on stilts, Shriners, the high school marching band and every restored Camaro or Mustang still running. True enough, in conventional terms of traveling, there isn't a lot going on for Blairsville but somewhere deep down in your soul you'll find a lot and your heart will be better for the experience.
The last 3 weeks, I decided to stay at the Seasons Inn right on the square. It's an older inn that had been bought and run by a young couple. Furnishing were spartan but nevertheless, it was fitting for my stay in
Posted by C. R. at Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sitting in my car, I watched umbrellas shielding LSU students from the rain and the drip of Crape Myrtle draped sidewalks. With a few minutes until my wife got off from her job in Himes Hall, I was fascinated with how the water globbed up and refracted the colors from the student apparel. Sometimes boredom just takes over, so I experimented with settings on my digital SLR.
(Click the picture for larger view)
The cell phone rang and my attention now turned to my next assignment near
Rising early one Saturday morning, I drove into
It was a good thing that I decided to just walk to the White House on
Sorry I missed you, Mr . Bush, I understand you were on a flight to Iraq at the time. Maybe next time. I'll call first.
Posted by C. R. at Sunday, October 07, 2007
Reluctantly, I left St Augustine, Florida for a week in Chicago. Quite intimidated by the traffic, I took a hotel near O'Hare and plotted my course downtown then into the fringes of the infamous Southside of Chicago on State Street. Somehow, I could hear the music of Jim Croce singing about "Bad, bad, Leroy Brown, the baddest man in the whole d*mn town, badder than ole King Kong and meaner than a junk yard dog". I turned on to the Eisenhower Expressway and headed toward Lake Michigan and was captivated with the idea that I-290 would actually go through the 3rd floor of the old post office building. I guess it was easier to drive through it than to tear it down.
State Street, once you got past a few sleazy buildings headed south, is in somewhat a a reconstruction mode with new high rise condos selling for just under a half million. Hip young females walked dogs and stopped off at coffee shops where five years ago you might have witnessed a mugging.
When you visit another city, people there go out of their way to show you what they think defines their city. In this case, we were directed to what was supposed to be a really good pizza taste. I had never heard of Uno's Pizza but my partner I was working with wanted to give it a try so we headed north to downtown. Finding Uno's wasn't that big of a deal but finding a parking spot posed more of a challenge but Jon slid into one in the middle of a mud puddle. Celebrating our good fortune, we got out, waded through near ankle deep water, fed the meter and headed a couple of blocks west. Finding a seat, we split a deep crust pizza and waited a short time before being served. Personally, I just didn't see what all the fuss was about and thought the best pizza for me would have to be one of Johnny's Sweep The Kitchen special down in Monroe, Louisiana or perhaps a calzone at one of De Angelo's of Baton Rouge. Uno's crust tasted somewhat like baking powder biscuit dough.
Fortunately, our stay was short lived and honestly, I didn't find the Hyatt much of a bargain. That being said, it truly is an interesting city with the elevated trains and high rises waving at the sky.
Posted by C. R. at Monday, October 01, 2007
Arrrrr matey! September 19 is approaching! What's the big deal about September 19, you might ask. Well!....It's National Talk Like A Pirate day and you could be a part of it.
All you have to do on September 19 is talk like a pirate. Here's an example: "Sep-tem-Barrrr nineteenth, arrrr matey, click the pirate!"
Posted by C. R. at Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Main Entry: red·neck
Pronunciation: 'red-"nek
Function: noun
1 sometimes disparaging : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class
2 often disparaging : a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks
- redneck also red·necked /-"nekt/ adjective
Where did we go wrong? You know, the "redneck" thing. While I never really thought of myself as much of a redneck, the necessity to seek an identity and at least be inclusive within some popular group sometimes makes me lean in that direction.
Somewhere along the course of events, the "mutts" of South pretty much found themselves positioned low in the racial and cultural pecking order for national prominence. One morning we woke up and found we had been swamped by hyphenated tags. Bruno is an Italian-American, Clarence is an African-American, Joan is a Native-American, etc. You get the drift. I've never heard anyone seriously call themselves a Redneck-American. While Redneckdom is generally thought of as being from the South, I've been told that not all Rednecks are Southerners. There are claims that the denizens of the Upper Pennisula of Michigan, known as Yoopers (UPers), can pretty much stand toe to toe with Bubba in LA (Lower Alabama) when it comes to Redneck prowess. There are unsubstantiated rumors that there are even European-Rednecks but I never heard of Icelandic or African Rednecks.
All that being said, you have to admit, often the butt of jokes, Rednecks have held their heads high and proud. famous Rednecks have included Jerry Clower, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy and many others.
So, if you're are a Redneck, sympathize with Rednecks or just want to be able to identify one, check out this web site.
Posted by C. R. at Monday, July 30, 2007